Challenges in Indian Technical Education and Their Impact on Industry

Technical education in India has long been regarded as a cornerstone for the country’s economic and industrial development. However, the sector faces numerous challenges that hinder its…

Bankruptcy Law in India: Evolution, Implementation and Challenges

Bankruptcy laws in India have undergone significant transformations over the years, aiming to provide a robust framework for the resolution of insolvency cases. Before the enactment of…

Evaluating GST in India and its Unmet Objectives

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced in India on July 1, 2017, with the promise of simplifying the country’s complex tax structure and fostering economic…

Bridging the Divide: Navigating the Lack of Industry-Academia Linkage in India

India, with its burgeoning economy, stands at the crossroads of innovation and progress. However, a persistent challenge hindering the nation’s full potential is the palpable gap between…

National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme-2 (NAPS-2)

Apprenticeship is a link between Industry and Academia as well as a time tested institution for training and introducing students to the world of manufacturing and commerce….

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): An overview

PMEGP is a central sector scheme being administered by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Mo MSME).The scheme is being implemented by Khadi and Village…

National Logistics Policy of India – An Overview

The need for a national logistics policy was felt since the logistics cost in India is high as compared to other developed economies. It is imperative to…

Issues in the E-Commerce retail market in India

E-Commerce has taken prominence the world over and India is no exception to this fact. The E-Commerce business and market is constantly on the rise. This is…